Hi everyone,
Our third and final pilot reading session was at Nord Anglia International School. We introduced the book to Amel Dali-Bey, Head of Primary English and Michael Connor, Assistant Head Teacher of Primary. We were really encouraged and motivated by their reactions and delighted to hear that this could fit in well with the Social Studies and/or Moral Education curriculum, as well as English of course. The fact that the books could potentially be used as a resource by teachers is fantastic!
We handed over 6 books and they were read by a group of Y3 teachers and children. We were anxious to see if their appraisal of the book would differ from our previous sessions. Thankfully, there was no need to be anxious. Their feedback was very positive.
They liked that the characters are from different countries and backgrounds, plus how they all have different personalities. The setting of the story went down well because they recognized some of the places (Dubai – yes!). The children liked the bold and coloured fonts to highlight certain words. Furthermore, the children responded well to the message behind the book about being more eco friendly.
The teachers commented that the language used in book is quite easy to understand so could be suitable for slightly younger children (Year 2 maybe).They even expressed interest in doing a blog/competition for our website. Great!
We were warmly welcomed at NAS and were impressed by the positive and ambitious culture of learning and nurturing that permeates the campus. https://www.facebook.com/nasdubai.ae/
Huge thank you to all the NAS children who took part, to Amel and Micheal, and to Cheryl McSweeney, Deputy Head for their encouragement and support.
That concludes our pilot sessions and we are pleased to say that the final edit of Recycling Trip Trouble is approved and will go to print imminently. It is also being translated into Arabic and we will make an announcement here as soon as it is approved!
Bye for now
The Save Our World Team.